Robert Štimec

robert.stimecRobert Štimec rođen je u Pazinu 1956. godine, od rane mladosti živi u Zagrebu, gdje se školovao. Po zvanju grafičar, a po statusu grafički i produkt dizajner. Na početku karijere bavio se izradom arhitektonskih maketa, a zatim fotografijom, uređenjem izložbenih prostora na sajmovima i, do danas, grafičkim dizajnom. Od 1985. proizvodi unikatne zidne i stolne satove na staklu, drvetu i drugim materijalima. Zadnje tri godine izrađuje muški i ženski nakit u raznim materijalima – čelik, nikal, eloksirani aluminij, mesing, bakar, plexyglas, užad, silikonske niti i srebro.

Član je ULUPUH-a od 1985., a HZSU-a od 1988. Djeluje u Zagrebu i kao umjetnički voditelj galerije Crocrodeal, na adresi Radićeva 16.

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Robert Stimec, designer and graphic designer, was born in Pazin, in 1956. He lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia, where he was educated. He is profesionally engaged in designing since 1978. taking part in various seminars and workshops regarding his field of interest and also in seminars for ceramics that make active part of his work. In a wide spectrum of his artistic work, Štimec is envolved in graphic and industrial design, theatrical make up, painting on glass, photography, also making architectural models, designing and making jewellry and lamps.

For more than twenty years he is making wall clocks. Since 1985. he is active member of ULUPUH (Croatian association of artists of applied arts), industial desing section, and since 1988. he is a well known artist in a graphic design secton in HZSU (Croatian freelance artists association).

Virtualna izložba: Robert Štimec, produkt dizajn – novi radovi






Copyright (c) Robert Štimec





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